Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
All of the problems, difficulties, and doubts, were hit my mind so badly whether I was able to graduate in this semester or not. But, that's really really true that Allah SWT always gives abilities to His
servants. 4 years ago, I was drowning in the middle of euphoria feeling the joy
of being part of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia batch 2014. And right now, I'm extremely happy and
very grateful that I succeed to graduate on time...
A girl who struggled to graduate before, now becoming to be a woman who struggle to survive.
This is life, the more we mature, the greater responsibility will also follow us.
I hope all of us will be success and will not forget each other.
Because I love you, my other half, Computer Engineering batch 2014.
A girl who struggled to graduate before, now becoming to be a woman who struggle to survive.
This is life, the more we mature, the greater responsibility will also follow us.
I hope all of us will be success and will not forget each other.
Because I love you, my other half, Computer Engineering batch 2014.
So, these are my photos after the thesis defense!
[July 5, 2018]
Indescribable feeling. Alhamdulillah.
"And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed, 'if you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor), but if you deny, indeed, my punishment is severe' " - [Ibrahim : 7]
Alhamdulillah, there is no might nor power except in Allah 😭
Thank you very much to my great family, friends, and those who have supported and prayed for Nindy to get until this far who have fought any kind of big battles for 4 years.
Thank you for anything, only Allah can repay all of your kindness.
Thank you for all of my friends who are present in the form of pray, hopefully all sincere prayers that are spoken will also return to those who prayed for me.
And also thank you for my friends who spent your time to attend, to encourage, pray, give gifts, and everything that made July 5, 2018 became very memorable.
1. Mama Papa (+ Panda 🐼❤️)
2. King's Minions
3. My favorite one, Yunita Halim (minus @ sinju21 which is fainted because of the Thesis haha. Miss you and goodluck for your thesis defense at August 5, 2018! ❤️)
4. Computer Girls!
5. Computer Engineering batch 2014
6. Computer Engineering batch 2014(+Sirin 😂)
7. Electric Girls!

8. CE's Bataknese (minus Nicholas)
9. Thesis Fighter Closing Session
10. Cute gifts ❤️
And thank you for the @psbdteui committee for your hard work until this moment, I hope you will keep your spirit and success up to the next event later!
Lastly, thank you very much, Nindy, you have survived so far, so you have to be proud for your achievement. Please, no more tears, be confident for what you will be, and love yourself ❤️
Congratulations. ��
BalasHapusThank you! :)