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Mereka Pembangkit Asa

Tidaklah kau mengejar kesempurnaan di dunia ini. Tapi, jadikan kekuranganmu sebagai senjata untuk menunjukkan kelebihanmu. Karena Allah Maha Besar, telah menciptakan manusia dengan uniknya tanpa kurang di hadapan-Nya... Kawan-kawan para pembaca, pernahkah kalian mendengar kata disabilitas? Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mungkin kita tidak begitu sering mendengar kata tersebut, namun tidak untuk mereka yang menempuh pendidikan luar biasa. Ya, disabilitas adalah kelainan seseorang yang berhubungan dengan hambatan baik secara fisik, mental, dan intelektual . Sehingga untuk mereka para penyandang disabilitas, biasanya diperlukan perhatian serta pendidikan khusus karena mereka tidak mampu berkembang normal seperti anak-anak normal lainnya. Sangat menyedihkan karena mereka kerap kali dipandang sebelah mata oleh masyarakat luas karena dianggap merepotkan, namun apakah benar demikian adanya? Jika dihubungkan dengan realitas, apakah mimpi mereka lebih sulit untuk diwujudkan dibandingkan...

English Drama Script ~ Love is Destiny

Hello guys! Today I wanna share my group's drama script. I needed 1 year (?) to finish this story, hahaha, just kidding, 4 days I think. Thanks Murni for give us the idea of the story, thanks Nabila for editing, and thanks all for help me finish this!

Sacrifice, Easy to Say but Hard to Do

Hello readers! Welcome to my next post! Can't wait for my stories right? Huahaha skip that. I just want to share something about last two weeks and this week. Hmm, sorry if there are many grammatical errors, long time no write in English :p Still remember Smantiers? I was so damn happy and lucky to come to @OwlTransition , my school's party for celebrate its birthday on 27th October at Bumi Wiyata Hotel. So crowded there, especially when R A I S A performed! She's so perfect, her golden voice, her performance, and her ways to greet people are very nice. I salute her!

Evensoul !

Blog! Dikau sudah kutinggalkan begitu lama -_- kelas 11 nyita waktu gue mulai dari tugas, presentasi, ulangan, dan semuanya deh tentang sekolah. Baru sekarang abis UTS baru bisa update lagi. Sebenernya sih dari kemaren-kemaren juga udah bisa tapi males nulis karena udah cape nulis tugas haha.

Deep Forest (Fukai Mori)

I got a task from my Japanese Teacher, Nurul Sensei, to write Fukai Mori's lyric (OST of Inuyasha) in Hiragana. And when I was searching in internet, I found the English translation and I think it's great! So I want to share that song in this blog. Enjoy to read!

Tugas TIK 1 !

Welcome, blogger :) Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan menuliskan berbagai hal yang melingkupi berbagai hal mengenai internet. Selamat membaca! 1.  S e j a r a h   I n t e r n e t       Pada tahun 1969, Departemen Pemerintahan Amerika Serikat membentuk suatu jaringan komputer yang saat itu direncanakan untuk keperluan militer melalui proyek  ARPA  yang disebut  ARPANET  ( Advance Research Project Agency Network ). Proyek  ARPANET  merancang bentuk jaringan, kehandalan, kapasitas informasi yang dapat dipindahkan, dan akhirnya semua standar yang mereka tentukan menjadi cikal bakal pembangunan protokol baru yang sekarang dikenal sebagai  TCP/IP  ( Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ). Pada mulanya,  ARPANET  hanya menghubungkan 4 situs yaitu  Stanford Research Institue, University of California, Santa Barbara, dan University of Utah  di mana mereka membentuk satu jaringan terpadu pada tahun...

Trophy Room!

Manchester United's Achievement ! Shared it from  MU Fanpage in Facebook! 1. FA Premier League / Football Legue Division One 1908, 1911, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1965, 1967 / 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011 2. FA Cup 1909, 1948, 1963, 1977, 1985, 1990, 1994, 1996, 1999, 2004 3. Football League Cup 1992, 2006, 2009, 2010 4. Community Shield 1908, 1911, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1965, 1967, 1977, 1983, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 5. UEFA Champions League 1968, 1999, 2008 6. European Cup's Winner Cup 1991 7. UEFA Super Cup 1991 8. Intercontinental Cup 1999 9. FIFA Club World Cup 2008 THE GREATEST TEAM EVER ! #UnitedTillDie Be loyal to your favourite, at their top or bottom!


3 hari lalu mungkin hari yang paling bikin stres adik-adik yang mau masuk sekolah negeri. Sama apa yang gue rasain tahun lalu. Kesel, sedih, kecewa, campur aduk gara-gara masuknya cuma ditentuin dengan NEM. Tahun sekarang mana gila banget, nem 36 ngga cukup buat masuk Smanti. Sebenernya yang tinggi-tinggi itu pada pake apa ya, sampe rincian nilainya sama?


Sometimes I feel useless. Yeah I'm nothing... I can't be someone that you want. I can't be a good girl. Can't be a good bestfriend. Can't be like everyone. Sorry I'm not perfect. Sorry if my ego is too high. Sorry I have done many mistakes. And sorry I'm not realize and change that. But it's me, that's the real me, I'm not fake. I'm who I am. You can't expect me more, I have my own ways in my life. You don't know how much I keep attention for you, I do like this coz I thought it's the best for us. Who knows what I really feel? No one. Yeah, I'm a coward, too scary, I don't have a bravery to say it in front of you, just write this in my blog and you'll never read it. Coz if I do, it will break anything. I don't know how much tears I dropped in a day. You have changed, I miss the old you. But I don't want our friendship end like this just because one thing. We have a different viewpoint. It's all up to ...

New Season!

Just want to inform you about The Barclays Premier League 2012/13 Fixture Grid . Check it out! I got it from Barclays Football Fanpage in Facebook . Like the page if you want to know more about BPL ! ;) We will lift the trophy again United! Yeah! :D

One and Only!

Pengen ngepost lagi nih tentang  X-3 , kelas paling fenomenal yang pernah dimiliki Smanti tahun ajaran 2011/2012 hahaha. Kelas yang paling "kaya bumbu" mulai dari yang manis asin asem pedes dan lainnya ada semua di sini. Bukan X-3 namanya kalo ngga bikin heboh sekolah :p

One Year!

June 11, 2012 Today is someone's birthday! Who? My blog! Waa~ H A P P Y   B I R TH D A Y ! One year has passed with you :') I've written 56 posts so far. There are 4625 pageviews till I posted this, whoaa a lot .__. and sometimes the pageviews grow up so fast in holidays, I don't know who always read my weird blog -__- hahaha, but thanks for all the readers!   Keep reading yo guys! I   ♥   you all :D "Let's begin to pour your story, until you've gone one day later, your words still be read and remembered by the readers forever"

Menyulap Paradigma

Aaa! UKK dan segala macem urusan sekolah bikin gue lupain blog ini. Masih kelenger setelah UKK, gara-gara 3 hari ngga masuk karena ikut FLS2N (Festival dan Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional) di Villa Greenhill Cianjur, 28-30 Mei. Alhasil pas hari Kamis-Sabtu ini harus susulan. Akhirnya sehari gue ujian 4-5 matpel, kebayang ngga gimana stresnya itu? Bener-bener satu minggu yang berat, tapi alhamdulillah banget sekarang selesai dan lumayan lancar. Ga maksimal sih, ya pasti, tapi udah bebas dari UKK kali ini rasanya wow banget! :D Bingung mau ngepost apa, tapi berhubung ngga ada kerjaan dan mau menuhin blog, gue tulis aja ya puisi yang gue buat pas FLS2N, maaf ya kalau sangat anta dan gue juga ngga inget persis apa yang gue tulis kemaren hahaha, ngga ngerti buat puisi balada yang harus bercerita dan panjangnya 2 halaman folio, maklum penulis dadakan dan entah kenapa gue yang disuruh ikut padahal yang lain bagus-bagus wkwk .__. tapi ya sudahlah lumayan itung-itung liburan gratis ke Puncak # eh...

A Little History of United

Glory, glory, Man United ! Glory, glory, Man United ! Glory, glory, Man United ! As the Reds go marching on, on, on!  Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by We'll keep the Red Flags flying high You've got to see yourself from far and wide  You've got to hear the masses sing with pride, United ! Man United !  We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wemberly Wemberly! Wemberly! We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly Wemberly! Wemberly! We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wemberly In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three And everyone will know just who we are They'll be singing 'Que Sera Sera',  United ! Man United ! We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wemberly Wemberly! Wemberly! We're the famous  Man United and we're going to Wemberly Wemberly! Wemberly!  We're the famous Man United and we...

Fall and Rise

One day, there was a little girl walking in her dream... Walking in the deep forest. She was searching for something, but she didn't know what is it. Everyday, she just talking with her bestfriend, a pegasus, a winged-unicorn in a legend. "I don't know what's my destination," said the girl. "Don't be sad my bestfriend, look into your heart, look around your self, and, of course Allah is with you," replied the pegasus. "I know. But I think there's no one need me now, I always fail, always make people dissapointed, poor me." "No, you don't. It's just your feeling. C'mon, let me take you to a beautiful place. Fly with me, together, we'll see our whole world."

Kelly Clarkson - What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)

  You know the bed feels warmer Sleeping here alone You know I dream in colour And do the things I want You think you got the best of me Think you had the last laugh Bet you think that everything good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I'd come running back Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong

X-3, A Class Full of Sensation

Several days ago, there was an unexpected thing in my class. Boys, I don't know why you always use your hands to resolve your problems, where is your mind? You think it is cool? It will end easily with that? Boys, I think you'll never know how did it feel when we, the girls, saw and cried after that moment? Because we always use our hearts and try not to hurt anyone. Maybe we sometimes duel with "words war" and usually "behind". Yeah, although I hate them who judge and talk about my bad behind, but in the other hands I'll always love and thank them coz I learn, without them, I can't fix my mistakes. X-3, full of sensation, yeah :D L I F E I S N E V E R F L A T ! It's the best quote for describe X-3 hahaha. And like Unwritten lyrics, Natasha Bedingfield's, "We've been condition, to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way oh oh!" haha it's match to us. Our various acts make teachers confuse and angry. Senior sa...

Tragedi Muenchen

6 Februari. Ini tanggal yang sangat memilukan bagi Manchester United . Pada 6 Februari 1958, terjadi sebuah kecelakaan pesawat terbang yang menewaskan 8 pemain {Geoff Bent, Roger Bryne, Eddy Colman, Mark Jones, Duncan Edwards (meninggal di rumah sakit setelah 15 hari kejadian), David Pegg, Tommy Taylor, dan Liam "Billy" Whelan} dari salah satu tim terkuat yang pernah dimiliki sepanjang sejarah United, Busby Babes .


I made it with Ardhya and Maulinda! It's our twitters and X-3's official twitter page. For correction, it's not @extrinity26 but it has changed into @extrinity27 :p I'm so glad, coz  it wasn't as I imagined.  We keep playing together and always unite in every ways! I love X-3 :D


"There can be miracles, when you believe" It's a part of a song's lyric. You know what? Yes, you're right. It's When You Believe, by Mariah Carey. 3 words of song. 2 words of singer. 1 word of my opinion. FABULOUS! Yeah, this song is so inspiring me. As is implied in that song, nothing imposibble if we have a strong commitment and believe, that we can. But of course back to this quote, "Man purposes, God disposes"

Karena Kucing

Waa, udah mulai masuk sekolah, blog bakal ngga keurus lagi nih. Tapi teteplah nyuri-nyuri waktu buat nge-post di blog. Sekarang, pengen cerita tentang kucing. K U C I N G ? Iya, salah satu kucing yang ada di sekolah, yang paling sering main di X-3 dan mungkin anak-anak Smanti juga familiar sama kucing itu :p Sedikit gaje ya karena kucing aja diambil jadi bahan posting blog .___. Tapi yah, itulah gue. Satu hal yang kecil bisa jadi besar *apasih*